that count
296 donations – received in the first two years
70.000 Euros – in donations and grants until today
6 grants – given for Haiti in 2021
100% – donations are applied fully to the cause
16.002 Euros disaster relief – for Haiti earthquake victims
43 stipends paid – to students in four countries
8 families supported – when they found no other way out
7 countries – we work in so far
26 mentees – those we talk to regularly and support when needed
7635 alumni – in social media groups
7 volunteers – sharing the work load
a lot – we did not count the hours of work
100 years – Padre Wasson was born in 1923
218 pages – tax office “tax tipps” for tax-exempt NGOs (why?!)
Discover more…
Padre Wasson always promoted sharing with those in need and hated bureaucratic structures. He acted. One of his mottos was “do it now!”
Some ideas we don’t dare to put on our agenda. At least not now. The current tasks are already overwhelming and stretch our time limits…
Writing our own story.
Read our publications.
A big THANK YOU to all our partners, the Wasson family and all benefactors and friends for your donations, support and services!