Dieusson has already worked as a doctor in various hospitals in Haiti, most re- cently at the St. Damien Hospital of Nos Petits Frères et Soeurs (Our Little Sisters and Brothers), where he was responsible for the former children from the Chil- dren’s Village and a doctor at the St. Luc Hospital. On weekends he worked as a volunteer with Father Richard Frechette in the slums of the capital. Then he trained a successor there to begin fur- ther training at the Freiburg International Academy.

The foundation is mentoring him and was also able to arrange a loan for him, which he will pay back later.

Loans are a dignified way for adults with
prospects of earning an adequate in-
come to realize their wishes without slipping into a dependency of gratitude. In addition, others can later benefit from the money. This is an established model in many countries, but rarely in Latin America.

Dieusson has three siblings with whom he grew up in the Children’s Village of Our Little Sisters and Brothers – so he is an alumnus and “child” of Father Wasson himself.

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