by Stefan Gräfe | Dec 11, 2024 | Uncategorized
Liebe Familie, liebe Freunde, zum 90. Geburtstag von Albert kam ein stattlicher Spendenbetrag zusammen, das ist toll! Ganz herzlichen Dank! Wir haben den Text hier aktualisiert und unten die Spendenliste eingefügt. Ihr erinnert Euch: In dem kleinen Dorf in Nicaragua...
by Stefan Gräfe | Sep 12, 2024 | Uncategorized
We celebrated in 2004. And in 2014. And now in 2024! Frank, you are wonderful! The story of Padre Wasson’s family wouldn’t be the same without Frank Krafft and his late wife, Polly. Since they first met the Mexican children in 1968, they have been unwavering...
by Stefan Gräfe | May 22, 2024 | Alumni, current needs, Scholarships
Unser Freund und Förderer Georg Friedrich Schröder wird heute 80 Jahre alt. Die Zeitung ehrt sein Engagement mit diesem Artikel. Frieder Schröder hat nach seinen Reisen durch Mittelamerika immer den Kontakt zu seinen honduranischen Patenkindern gehalten. Deren...
by Stefan Gräfe | Mar 1, 2024 | Alumni, current needs, Hermanos mayores, Padre Wasson
Discover how a group of alumni in Mexico came together to form an association, relying on a chat-group to communicate and support each other through medical needs and bereavement costs. In Mexico, a group of alumni organized themselves into an association last...
by Stefan Gräfe | Dec 21, 2023 | History, Library, Padre Wasson, Philosophy
100 years ago a child was born. Until his death in 2006, Padre Wasson changed the lives of thousands of children and families. “A child is only good, because of somebody. You can teach them all the religion in the world, but he is not going to be good unless it is...