A bunch of motivated students!
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Brandy, Lennard, Andrea, Frantzy, Kervens, Ruth – only some of the students in five countries who study thanks to the support of our donors. Personally, I admit, I don’t care about school grades. But yes, I acknowledge that they matter all too often in life. And I love to see how proud these young women and men or even the children are when they succeed and get a diploma.

But what about the birthdays?

The most outstanding birthday is August 2nd when Padre Wasson accepted the first child in Mexico in 1954. It was the start of Our Little Sisters and Brothers (Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos – NPH).

In 69 years grew a huge community and still today, NPH provides education to children and youth who lost their family. The Padre Wasson Foundation adds to the NPH programs by mentoring families of women and men who grew up at NPH. And we are happy to support them in their struggle to provide education to their children. It is essential for their future life and that of the entire family. Lack of knowledge can lead to poverty. Knowledge may help to fight it. For me, school was a normal thing. I guess, so it was for you? Well, for too many children in the world, it is not.

On a personal note

While there are many other birthdays, this month I want to celebrate my own birthday with you. My dentist ruined the actual day, but I survived with one less tooth. Now, you are invited to celebrate and I do have a wish… I am probably one of those guys who “already have everything”. At least everything I need. But others don’t. This is why on this nice occasion I kindly ask you to make a gift of education. Please encourage our students by making a donation. We have no savings to back up the promises we make when we tell them that we will help pay for their education. But we trust we will keep our word. Trust is also is something Padre Wasson taught. Trust and have faith. And we do have you and your friendship. Your donation will always go 100% to the stipends – be it once or monthly as you choose. Would you consider it?

Motivate a student!

See you in Karlsruhe on August 26th?

If you can make it, come celebrate with us live on August 26th in Karlsruhe. During the day we will share with you: drinks, food and news from Haiti, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras and Germany. I don’t promise all good news. We do face difficult challenges. But together we will manage, I am confident.
Write me for details, I would be thrilled to see you!

Thank you so much.

Stefan Graefe, Trust Director

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