Summer is over here in Europe, autumn storms with heavy rains have started. It’s getting wet and cold. My umbrella is useless with this wind. That is a good reminder for me how it must feel to be exposed to the elements without protection. And to appreciate the roof above my head and the heating. Very different in Haiti, where many still are without a space to live, cook and sleep – and the hurricane season is threatening.


Too many threats at once


When I talk about “Haiti”, many people immediately recognize the country because they remember the massive disasters that struck there. Some also remember the endless political challenges. A few know about the violence there. But it is hard to grasp that even in disaster situations, there are more obstacles. Imagine: several of our partners reported that gangs try to steal the aid on the way to people affected by the recent earthquake. Why would that happen? Firstly, the people there all have a great need for anything to suvive. They need water, food, medical supplies or housing and even tools, gasoline etc.. Secondly, there is a great distrust in NGOs or even government aid. Too much of the money promised after the 2010 earthquake disappeared. And if there is distrust, there is little morality to stop from stealing, even from a charity. That it is not good at all.


Applying 100% of the funds – minimizing the risk


Because of the threat of the gang violence, we decided to split up the 15,547 Euros received until the end of August (about 18,000 dollars) to five different groups who work with poor families in the areas affected by the August earthquake. We selected only those partners whom we have known for their humble and successful work on site since ten years or more. This way we can reach out to families in five different aeras of the South Region, mostly to build or repair simple houses – the biggest need since over 50,000 houses were destroyed.


18,000 dollars can already do a lot


All five responsibles have reported back that the funds have arrived and are being applied. Here are some responses to those of you who shared and donated:


Truly grateful to you both for making this happen – as you know, it will make a real difference! We are working to build medium-term, covered structures for community members who’ve lost their homes and are sleeping outdoors or in community centers.

Now visiting all the women in our microcredit-program to see how they are doing and supporting with food and sanitary supplies.

We will build a wooden house for a family. We are getting ready to go tomorrow and hope everything will be okay by tomorrow morning to cross one of the gangs territories.

Thank you for this valuable assistance to the victims of the earthquake, be sure this will go 100% to immediate use for them.

Money arrived! Thank you! We need to build latrines and shelters.


You will find more news here as we will get the reports and photos from Haiti. In the meantime, we volunteers in Germany are working on the tax receipts for our donors. Please let me know if you are missing yours, we may not have your address. Simply email us at or give us a call.


Thank you.

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