
Writing our own story

Reverse disaster solidarity

Reverse disaster solidarity

Concern about families in Germany While the August earthquake in Haiti has been unexpectedly dominant for our foundation, something else was pushed to the background: the floods in Germany. The tormential rains that hit different aeras of Germany in July. At that...

Update Haiti Earthquake

Update Haiti Earthquake

Focus is rational, direct and local   It feels strange to say that it has been a tough week for us volunteers at the foundation. This is because we have invested a lot of time in quickly adding content to our website, providing the donation infrastructure,...

Press interview on Haiti with Joseph Ferdinand

Press interview on Haiti with Joseph Ferdinand

The Schwäbisches Tagblatt, one of Swabia’s leading newspapers, has featured the fundraising work of the Padre Wasson Foundation in aid of Haitians who have been affected by the earthquake, which caused widespread devastation on Sunday, 15 August. Our Board member...

Earthquake in Haiti

Earthquake in Haiti

Solidarity with Haiti  The recent earthquake presents a new challenge for our sisters and brothers in Haiti. The main quake destroyed houses killing hundreds. But the after-quakes force everyone to stay outside, the few clinics are treating patients in courtyards or...

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Read our publications. 


A big THANK YOU to all our partners, the Wasson family and all benefactors and friends for your donations, support and services!


296 donations – received in the first two years. 70.000 Euros – in donations and grants until today. 6 grants – given for Haiti in 2021…



Padre Wasson always promoted sharing with those in need and hated bureaucratic structures. He acted. One of his mottos was “do it now!” 


Some ideas we don’t dare to put on our agenda. At least not now. The current tasks are already overwhelming and stretch our time limits…

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